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If you have an existing project, this guide will walk you through integrating Cpp.js. There are two ways to do this:

  • Use a plugin compatible with your project's bundler to integrate Cpp.js.
  • Compile native code with Cpp.js and directly import the generated JavaScript file.

Advantages of Using Plugins:

  • Automation: The process is fully automated.
  • Code Optimization: Unused code is excluded from the output.
  • Development Mode: Supports a streamlined development experience.

If you are using a bundler you can continue with its page. If not, you can integrate it manually with the help of the standalone page.

StandaloneReact NativeNode.jsCloudflare Worker
WebpackExpo (Coming Soon)
CRA(Create React App)

Before proceeding, ensure that you have met all the prerequisites for setting up a working development environment.